Lochie’s Story
Lochie and her family stayed in Aggie’s Burrow whilst she was receiving life-saving treatment at Southampton Hospital. Her lovely Mum, Ellie, tells her story.

Lochie and her family stayed in Aggie’s Burrow whilst she was receiving life-saving treatment at Southampton Hospital. Her lovely Mum, Ellie, tells her story.
Lochie and her family stayed in Aggie’s Burrow whilst she was receiving life-saving treatment at Southampton Hospital. Her lovely Mum, Ellie, tells her story.
In August 2018 our 18 month-old daughter Lochie was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia, we were lost.
The hospital told us we could stay in the Ronald McDonald house across the road, which we did. The first night was a bit of a blur, but the following day the hospital allowed us to take Lochie out for a bit before her surgery for her central line to be fitted. We took her back to our room to freshen up and play with her new things. All I can remember thinking then is ‘I can’t stay in this room long term’. Family had flown over to support us and be with Lochie, all cramped in the room, it wasn’t going to work.
Lochie’s ward got in touch with the PPBF that same day. Within the hour my sister-in-law had a phone call from Dean, the flats’ manager, can we meet at the flat in 20 minutes. We wrote down directions thinking how on earth are we going to find this place (we couldn’t navigate around the large hospital let alone the area). But it is so close. Within two minutes we were standing outside! Dean welcomed us in, told us where everything was and if we ever need anything just call him or the PPBF. They were amazing.
Lochie underwent difficult treatment and procedures but she took it all in her stride and never failed to make us proud.
Ten days in Lochie was allowed to leave the hospital, as an out-patient, to live at the flat, she loved it as much as us. Having our own quiet space to go away and think after a long stressful day was a relief and gave us strength.
To be able to spend time with Lochie in comfortable surroundings, away from the noise of the hospital, helped us try to keep everything as ‘normal’ as possible for her.
We could cook meals and spend precious family time together.
We never worried about having to find hotels when family came to visit. We were all together. Being able to leave the flat five minutes before a hospital appointment was perfect. Aggie’s Burrow made all that possible.
We could never truly thank the PPBF enough for giving us the flat to stay in for 11 months, this flat was our godsend. The team at PPBF couldn’t have been more helpful, caring and friendly making a very difficult time in our lives that bit easier. We will be forever grateful for all they have done for us as a family.
Treatment for Lochie continued in Guernsey for another two years. Beautiful Lochie went through so much but was very brave throughout.
“Ring this bell three times well, it’s toll to clearly say, my treatments done, this course is run, And I am on my way…”
In March 2020, at four years of age, Lochie was the first person to ring the Guernsey bell to signify the end of her treatment for Acute Lymphocytic Leukaemia. They celebrated their strong ‘warrior Princess’ surrounded by friends and family.
Update: December 2022.
Now six, Lochie is doing really well at school and loves playing with her friends and younger brother.
If you’d like to help support families like Lochie’s staying in PPBF compassionate housing, you can ‘Buy-A-Night’ to help safeguard the future of these three home-from-home flats. From just £5 a month, £60 a year, will make a real difference. You will have your name on a star on your special chosen date on PPBF online Buy-A-Night calendars and you can leave a message or dedicate your star to a loved one or in memory of. Find out more, here: Buy a Night (ppbf.org.gg)