Jo swam the English Channel!
Jo Hardill swam the English Channel to raise vital funds for 2 charities close to her heart

Jo Hardill swam the English Channel to raise vital funds for 2 charities close to her heart
On *Friday, 19th August 2022 Jake (who was born 11 weeks premature in 2010), his Dad Guy & their team will be cheering his Mum, Jo Hardill, on as she challenges herself to swim the cold English Channel. All to raise vital funds for 2 charities close to her heart. Incredibly, Jo has type 1 diabetes.
Jo aimed for a solo swim but her diabetes testing and feeding schedule with strict rules to adhere to doesn’t allow it. But that hasn’t stopped her – she’ll be swimming as a relay with 2 others.
Jo is swimming the English Channel (and dodging jellyfish) to raise vital funds for the Priaulx Premature Baby Foundation and Diabetes Guernsey.
She would love your support. Any sponsorship, if you can, will be gratefully appreciated. Please click on this link to find out more and how you can support Jo and make a donation:
Thank you so much Jo and the best of luck from all at the PPBF.