TISE Turns 25: A Year of Support for the PPBF
As The International Stock Exchange turns 25, the PPBF reflects on a special year of being their ‘Charity of Choice’

As The International Stock Exchange turns 25, the PPBF reflects on a special year of being their ‘Charity of Choice’
At the start of 2023, the PPBF were delighted to become the ‘Charity of Choice’ for The International Stock Exchange (TISE) after staff nominated and voted for charities close to their hearts.
This is a big year for both teams as TISE turn 25, while the PPBF will turn 20, and recent months have been filled with fantastic fundraisers and kind donations. At the end of the year, TISE will match all of the money raised to support premature babies, critically ill children and their families. To mark TISE’s anniversary and their invaluable support, the charity looks back on the last 10 months.
In January, members of the PPBF team met with the TISE CSR Committee to discuss the exciting new partnership and ideas for the year ahead. The following month, Jo Priaulx, Pete Beausire and Sammy Meerveld presented to the wider TISE team, highlighting the importance of the charity and explaining the work that is carried out for the island’s community on a daily basis. This includes running compassionate housing next to Southampton Hospital, creating Bay Boxes for the Special Care Unit and fundraising for hospital equipment. As you’ll see from the below, Nighty The Owl, the Buy-A-Night campaign mascot, also flew in to meet team TISE.
A night for every year
To support the PPBF’s compassionate housing next to Southampton Hospital, which is used by local families needing to seek off-island care for their little one, businesses can buy weeks or months worth of nights using the charity’s corporate calendars. TISE decided to buy 25 nights in October for Aggie’s Burrow, which was a lovely way to celebrate their anniversary; a night for every year. Every night bought goes towards property maintenance and running costs, which are vital if Aggie’s Burrow, Isaac’s Pad and the newly opened Frankie’s Den are to stay open for years to come.
To support the Buy-A-Night campaign, the PPBF invites the community to Host-A-Night, and TISE features on this growing ‘Hosts of Honour’ list.
Nights hosted for the PPBF began with a ‘Wine and Cheese’ night for staff with a selection of tasters and prizes for the most popular choices. Over £1,000 was then raised during a Quiz Night, held at Les Rocquettes, with prizes donated by local businesses.
Afternoon Tea
In October, TISE organised a highly successful Afternoon Tea at Les Rocquettes Hotel, raising over £3,300. Fermain Valley Hotel, Village East Bistro, the Peninsula Hotel, the Nail & Beauty Garden, Ryan Dawe Art, Rocks by Paul Gallienne, Isle of Sark Shipping Company and Martin & Martin Designer Goldsmiths all kindly donated raffle prizes. Both Jo and Sammy were in attendance, and had a wonderful time catching up with everyone.
Getting active
Not only did TISE organise events, to raise both awareness and funds, but they put on their running shoes and got involved in the Sure Guernsey Marathon. The Marathon supported both the PPBF and Bowel Cancer Guernsey this year. TISE Titans completed the 26.2 mile marathon’s relay, sponsored by Mourant, in 3 hours and 18 minutes. They took 2nd place for the fastest Mixed Relay team of five which is a fantastic achievement!
TISE also took part in the Saffery Rotary Walk, as the PPBF was one of 25 local charities supported by this annual community event. Funds raised by all walkers helped with the purchase of much-needed training equipment for the neonatal staff at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital.
Happy birthday to TISE
“It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know the TISE team throughout 2023. They are full of energy, enthusiasm and genuine care, which has shone through in every fundraising initiative they have been involved in. A special thank you to Hannah Jones, who we have been in regular contact with, as she has been a real star during this partnership. We’re also really grateful for all of their engagement on social media, helping to spread the word about our work. Happy birthday team TISE, and thank you for being such good friends to us this year. We wish you many more successful years!” – Jo Priaulx, PPBF co-founder.
To celebrate their 25th anniversary, and to acknowledge the contribution made by member firms and staff, TISE made an additional donation of £2,500 to the PPBF in October. This generous surprise will go a long way in enabling the charity to continue supporting families going through the hardest of times. ‘Keeping families together’ is at the heart of the PPBF’s work, and corporate involvement like this provides a much-needed boost.
If your business is looking for a ‘Charity of the Year’ to support, then click here for more information and inspiration.